Sunday, December 6, 2009

December 2009

The church is still open....
Open to those that need a place to rest.
Open to those that bring no harm to others
Open to new ideas that make the world better
All within these small borders a universe can be awakened that will change the rest of the world.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's October ..what has changed?

What's changed? We have the same system and the people are not being heard and/or they don't speak which in turn is the same thing. We will not see change in this country the powers that be are all too knowledgable about using talking points to maintain an appropriate order of chaos thereby keeping any type of reform plausible. If people would only learn that we're people! When you see your child and look at another person..they are someone's child. Whether that person is 2 or 82 someone hopefully loved them and wanted them to grow to a ripe old age and have a peaceful life. Guess what.. it's you reading this.. it's the person you are thinking of right now.. it's your neighbor, it's your enemy .. it's yourself. Let the politics go people.. let it go and begin looking at the world in a different light.. do what is right.. a right thing that when practiced brings no harm to those that do no harm but keeps that which is wrong controlled and indentured into a servitude of peace.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Redistribution of wealth..

Redistribution of wealth that's all it is..
We give people who couldn't pull their self-absorbed heads out of their own butts a bail out.
We give people who purchased inefficient automobiles bail outs but give nothing to those that tried to follow a greener approach. How about giving those that walked the line a break?
When we give a "Rebate" for energy efficiency we give the mfgs a right to hike up their prices thereby making you finance more than you would if you were just given the discount making an already over stretched budget more tenious. For example:
Received a quote on energy efficient Heat Pump.. approx $8500 .. you get a $1000 disc from mfg and the $1500 Rebate. You then have to finance $7500. Why not just give the mfg the $1500 and discount the product so you only have to finance $6000 instead of $7500? They will get the money in the end.. but no.. we have to put more money back into the already bailed out financial system. So middle america will pull even more money out of their pockets to "lift the country out of debt".. Who the heck is "country"? What it does is pull the wealth out of middle america and push it back into either the credit card company or the government. A redistribution of wealth..

Friday, June 26, 2009

What is different?

Well, it's been a while since I posted and we have a new Pres and the economy sucks. I am asking myself what really changed with the newly elected president? I know it had it's moral points but when you look past that point what has changed? I'm not seeing it! We have back pedalled on Health Care..We are still at war and the White House isn't open as promised by the elect .. I see many similarites with the last administration.

I truly believe politics is a play and the actors although they change the script remains the same with a few background changes and we as the audience only accept it but never challenge or walk out of the play.

We need a new stage and a new play...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hello world?

Is anyone out there?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

So I'm not you...

So I'm not you. I hope that one day all people in the US will have access to health care. I hope that one day there are no children in the U.S. or anywhere else for that matter in poverty. I hope that one day people can learn to disagree without violence but come together through negotiation and civil discussion. I believe and will continue to do so that one day these ideas will be that of many and together the voice of us all will be heard and when that day comes ..I may be like you.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The winds swirl

The winds swirl and all the dust that had settled over the years now is once again pulled into the air clouding our vision. It is important that we see with clarity which may require patience and fortitude to overcome this brief wind. The wind will try to shove us off of our course but with knowledge and skill we can bring the ship back to its true destination. We've tacked a long time now it's time to turn back into the wind and continue on with our jouney.
Watch the mast it's coming round..